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Mechanism for examining trainees' work and preventing cheating and identity theft

The Centennial Institute for Higher Training is committed to the accuracy and safety of trainees' data and information, using technical measures to ensure the accuracy of data and information. Trainees are required to match their data with the basic data, which cannot be modified later except through communication with the institute's trainee management. They are also required to provide contact information (mobile number and email), which is verified by an authentication message during registration, re-entry, or receipt of electronic documents issued by the e-platform.

In case of incorrect login, the account is suspended, and it can be dealt with technically and legally to protect user accounts and their information. In the event of unauthorized access or an attempt characterized by impersonation, theft, cheating, or technical forgery, the institute's management has the authority to close or suspend the account, data, and take legal and technical measures to deal with the situation according to the systems, regulations, and hold the instigator, beneficiary, and user accountable.

Commitment to Beneficiaries' Privacy

Commitment to Beneficiaries' Privacy:

Acknowledging the commitment to ensuring the privacy of beneficiaries' data through clear policies and procedures stated on the Centennial Institute for Higher Training's website (, which is limited to providing only developmental courses.

The courses provided through the website do not include any exams or tests at the end of the training courses.

The Centennial Institute for Higher Training acknowledges the following:

  • The institute applies an effective policy to achieve the privacy and protection of beneficiaries' data, ensuring its storage and access only by authorized personnel, and not disclosing or sharing it with any other party or unauthorized individuals.

  • The institute publishes a privacy guarantee document and makes it available on the website through a link on its electronic platform for all users to know how data is collected, stored, and who has the authority to access this data.

  • The institute clarifies its policy through its publication on the website's Terms of Use page under the title "Privacy Policy.

  • The Centennial Institute for Higher Training states in its privacy policy, published on the website, that it does not sell or provide any external parties with beneficiaries' personal information

The institute has committed to these terms as stated and sealed in the agreement.

Systems for Verifying Beneficiaries' Identity

The Centennial Institute for Higher Training's website is limited to providing only developmental courses, and the courses offered through the website do not include any exams or tests at the end of the training courses. The website offers developmental courses by allowing beneficiaries to register on the website, verify their identity, and complete the registration process.

The center is committed to verifying beneficiaries' identity.

The mechanisms used by the Centennial Institute for Higher Training to verify beneficiaries' identity are carried out through two steps:

The first step: Logging into the website is done by sending a verification code to the registered email address.

The second step: The center sends the beneficiary's data to the General Organization for Technical Education and Vocational Training to verify the identity through the use of the national ID if the beneficiary requests to obtain a certificate.

To contact the technical support team in case of changing the registered mobile number or email:


Last modified: Wednesday, 4 Dhū al-Qaʿda 1444, 10:35 AM