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Policies and Laws of Academic Integrity

Based on the preservation of the scientific and professional ethical values encouraged by our righteous religion, the Centennial Institute for Advanced Training consistently works to enhance these values in its training environment by continuously emphasizing the commitment to the highest standards of academic integrity, whether by trainers, institute staff, or trainees. The Centennial Institute for Advanced Training assumes the responsibility of creating an environment that fosters high levels of academic integrity by establishing standards and controls for the training process, aiming to achieve academic integrity in all stages, starting from the registration of trainees in training programs, during the training itself, and in the stage of examinations and results. The institute believes that promoting academic integrity is an essential part of personal and intellectual growth for trainees. Increasing the awareness of trainees, trainers, and employees about issues related to academic integrity by fostering an atmosphere of trust, honesty, and high ethical standards plays a significant role in the progress and prosperity of society by graduating individuals capable of shouldering the responsibility of advancing and elevating the nation, given their high moral values.

Forms of Violating Academic Integrity include:

  • Cheating: Transferring the work of others and unauthorized use of any information and training materials in academic examinations or other assigned tasks for trainees.

  • Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft: Using the work of others as one's own, without acknowledging the original author.

  • Collaboration Exploitation: Relying on another trainee within a group to complete a task or collaborative work, or exploiting another trainee to accomplish individual assignments.

  • Fabrication and Forgery: Altering or fabricating available information in an academic test or assignment, or presenting a forged medical certificate to justify absence.

  • Receiving or providing unauthorized assistance in examinations, fabricating information to support laboratory results or other academic work.

  • Impersonation: Claiming the identity of another person, whether inside the classroom, during a test or examination, or in any type of academic assignment. In such cases, both the impersonating trainee and the trainee motivating the impersonation are penalized.

Mechanism for Monitoring Trainees' Work and Activities

The Centennial Institute for Advanced Training relies on a distinctive method to monitor the performance and activities of trainees on the e-learning platform through specialized global systems that work integrally to provide reports on trainee monitoring.

Enforcement of Violations of the Established Academic Regulations in the Institute is as follows:

  • Trainee access to the e-learning platform is monitored, and the attendance time for lectures is recorded comprehensively.

  • The Centennial Institute for Advanced Training utilizes Google Maps' location tracking system to identify the locations where trainees use their access privileges to the e-learning platform. This information is recorded in databases for reference when needed.

  • The e-learning department of the institute records all available internet network data that trainees use to access the e-learning platform, and it verifies if the trainee has logged in from a different location than usual. This helps in identifying trainees who go to offices to perform activities and assignments on behalf of others.

  • Tests and assignments are restricted to a specific time frame and require a password to prevent the exchange of answers.

  • Trainee activities during the examination are monitored, and attempts to cheat are identified through reports and specific forms of evidence.

Examination Procedures

Pre-Examination: :

Trainees are allowed to enter the examination 30 minutes before the scheduled time, and they are not allowed to leave until half of the allotted time has passed.

During the Examination:

All trainees are required to place their bags, mobile phones, and any electronic devices at the beginning of the examination hall. If a trainee is found in possession of a mobile phone, it is considered an attempted cheating even if it was not used. If it is used, it is considered a case of cheating.

Procedures for detecting and investigating cheating incidents:

  • The invigilator asks the trainee to submit the electronic exam and turn off the device

  • If the trainee refuses to submit, the institute supervisor is contacted.

  • A cheating incident report form is filled out, answering all the questions, and it is submitted along with the attendance record to record the trainee's suspension from the course.